Check list for your upcoming visit to Cat Specialist Services
- If you are a new client, please fill out our pre-consultation history form here.
- Please check that your vets have sent any history to us regarding your cat's previous care.
- Please do not feed your cat from midnight the evening before your consultation. Allow ready access to water. Only food should be withheld.
- Use a towel to cover the cat carrier in the car. This helps to reduce stress.
- When you arrive at the reception, please take your cat straight to the cat waiting area on the left hand side of reception. Your cat can be left safely in their carrier here while you check into the front desk.
- Please bring all your cat's medications with you.
- If your cat is likely to stay overnight in the hospital, please bring a small amount of their favourite food. This will encourage them to eat something familiar in unfamiliar surroundings.
- If you wish to bring an item from home that smells familiar, this is encouraged, however please note, that sometimes items make their way into the vortex of the laundry and while we make every effort to ensure items do not get lost we cannot guarantee it! So please, no family heirlooms!