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What is the process when your cat is having a SUB flush?

Posted on 5 August 2021
What is the process when your cat is having a SUB flush?

Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass Device Flush: What to Expect for Your Cat's Wellbeing

If your cat has had a subcutaneous urethral bypass device placed due to an obstruction in their ureter, regular flushing is essential to prevent mineralisation and bacterial infection. We recommend a sub flush within the first week, one month after, and every three months thereafter.

On the day of the sub flush, your cat should be fasted, have access to water, and take prescribed medications. Drop-off is between 7:30 am and 9:00 am. The staff may ask questions about your cat's eating, medications, and any concerns you have.

Once in the hospital, the cat may receive sedation for anxiety relief. During the procedure, we take a blood sample, monitor kidney function, and perform a sub flush with the cat sedated. Ultrasound is used to check kidney measurements and bladder condition.

A special needle, the Huber needle, is used to collect urine samples from the port. The samples are submitted to the laboratory for analysis. A bubble study is conducted by injecting sterile saline and air to ensure the system is open and flowing. Special liquid material is also injected to prevent mineral formation and reduce infection risk.

After these procedures, we repeat the ultrasound to ensure no fluid leakage, and once the cat has recovered, we'll inform you when to pick them up. Blood and urine test results are usually available within 48 to 72 hours.

Cats can do well after sub placement, but it requires regular upkeep. If you have concerns or questions, contact us anytime.

Author:Rachel Korman
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